There ! You see , Miss ? Even the wind wants you to stay outside long enough to try one of my apples .
你瞧!小姐,你看到没有?连风都要你在外面多呆一会儿。好尝尝我的苹果。I say that it is a miracle that you should have travelled five leagues without you and your horse rolling into some ditch on the highway.
我说您走了五法里路,而您却没有连人带马滚到大路边上的沟里去,那真是上帝显灵。1UP: What's an example of something in Overkill that you wouldn't have been able to include in an arcade House of the Dead?
问:有什么样的例子能够说明在《赶尽杀绝》中会有连街机版《死亡之屋》也涵盖不了的内容?o "Long run" (without a hyphen) is a noun. "Long-run" (with a hyphen) is an adjective.
“Longrun”(没有连字符)是个名词,“Long-run”(由连字符)是个形容词。There cannot be dashes next to periods in the name.
在名称中点号的旁边不能有连字符。So, for your cat to wear a contact number or address of the collar, it is absolutely beneficial and necessary.
所以,为你的猫戴上有连络电话或地址的项圈,是绝对有好处和必要的。Orthographically a compound can be written as one word, two separate words with or without a hyphen in between.
在拼写上,一个复合词既可以写成一个词,也可以写成两个词,中间有没有连字符都可以。Is there such a thing as too much data for a fun activity such as running?
是否有连跑步这么简单有趣的活动都得测量一大堆数据的事情?Russian border police have "seized" a Japanese fishing boat in waters near a chain of disputed islands, officials in Tokyo have said.