She wondered what could induce him to go alone. There was something back of this. She rummaged her brain for a reason.
她猜度着他为什么要单独去。这里面一定有鬼。她挖空心思要找出他的动机来。Some see in it a force directly pertaining to heroes, as the peasant sees the devil in the steam-engine.
有些人把它看作英雄们天赋的力量,犹如那个农夫以为机车里有鬼;In a small town, there was a music-hall. It was closed all day long. People said there was a ghost inside it .
在一个小镇上,有一座音乐厅,整天大门紧闭。人们传说,音乐厅里有鬼。He had been afraid that Xiangzi was lying and that the thirty dollars were loot, in which case he did not want to take charge of it.
他怕祥子的话有鬼病,万一那三十块钱是抢了来的呢,他不便代人存着赃物。I was locked up in a room with a ghost, in the dark. '
我被关在有鬼的黑房子里。"The old lady down the road thought she had a ghost in the house, " she says, "but it was only old Tom MaAleer, frightening her for fun. "
“住在路尽头的那个老太太以为自己房子里有鬼,”她说,“其实那只是老汤姆.麦艾里尔唬她逗她玩的。”At school, his teacher told him that there is no ghost in the world, but at home, his grandparents often prayed to Buddha for help.
在学校里老师告诉他们世界上是没有鬼的,可在家里爷爷奶奶经常求神拜佛,到底该信谁的呢?Someone said it has been a castle of ruins where evils usually appeared.
有些人说,它是一个已成废墟的古老城堡,经常有鬼出没。Right now, it more often feels like lurking in a spooky alley with a surveillance camera overlooking the scene.