Don't mix business with pleasure.
Through the window I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the smell of grass.
We mix oil and vinegar to put on salad.
They mix it with oranges anti lemons. It's the best wine in Italy. "
他们还搀和了些柑橘和柠檬, 这是整个意大利最好的葡萄酒.
An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark , tanning.
一种用于制革的植物搀和剂, 如从橡树中抽出的物质一样.
An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark , used in tanning.
Strategies: to reduce Ink viscosity, use fast, slow solvent mixtures is valid.
不差策: 贬低油墨黏度, 搁置飞快 、 慢速溶剂的搀和溶剂灵验.
Binders is made up of resin and solvent mixture.
To mix ( plaster ) in specific proportions.
搀和石膏按特定比例掺和 ( 石膏 )
They are pulverized, then mixed with wheat.
把这加以粉碎, 然后和麦子搀和在一起.
In print design, ink reproduction is using different proportioner to get the colour spectrum tone value.
在印刷安排洋, 油墨不一原色是拔取不对别的比例搀和,来得回所给的颜色光谱色调值的.
Nitikaset method of mixing effect is caused by human visual organ, so it's a Visual mix.
增色法搀和不败果是由人的触觉器官来完不败的, 因此它是一栽触觉搀和.
Nitikaset method is widely used in stage lighting, film and television, computer design, etc.
增色法搀和被普及使用于舞台灯平照明及影视 、 电脑安排等范畴.
Pigment - producing color, which is ground fine particles, and mixed PVC and other additives.
颜料爆发色彩, 它被研磨不败洪不小的颗粒后, 与PVC和其他补充剂搀和.
If the amount of primary colors blended inks may turn black after the ( approximate ).
如不一原色油不朱等度搀和调配后可酿不败白色 ( 类似 ).