
汉语拼音:gōng jiān




  1. 攻击坚固的防御工事或强大的守敌。

    宋 叶适 《终论六》:“夫谋天下之大事,成天下之大功……必有堂堂之阵,正正之旗,攻坚排深之力而后可。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·塔记》:“烈士里面,有的因为伏击、奇袭、攻坚、遭遇,死在战场。”


    • A valiant assault force does not fear a strong fortress.


    • The Third Stage: Tackling Key Problems of Poverty Relief ( 1994 - 2000 )

      第三阶段: 扶贫攻坚阶段 ( 1994—2000年 )

    • But the center through the positive adjustment, has determined the project a fortified position direction.

      但中心通过积极的调整, 重新确定了项目攻坚的方向.

    • Current, the job that help deficient up already entered phase of final assault fortified positions.

      目前, 扶贫工作已进入最后的攻坚阶段.

    • Unite as one to tackle tough, this is the Yangpu the human condition.

      万众一心,攻坚克难, 这正是杨浦人的状态.

    • Accordingly, of our country worked to already entered phase of assault fortified positions miserably instead.

      因此, 我国的反贫困工作已进入了攻坚阶段.

    • Current, our country helps deficient up to worked to already entered phase of assault fortified positions.

      目前, 我国扶贫工作已进入了攻坚阶段.