With just a single click on your mouse, whatever you order online can be delivered to your door in no time at all.
只需要用鼠标轻轻一点,任何你在网上购买的东西都可以立刻送上门来。Hunting requires a very concentrated mind. A man may have had to hide up a tree for a week waiting for a deer to come by.
狩猎需要集中精神,男人可能需要在树上躲藏长达一个星期等待小鹿送上门来。I would have wanted to borrow this book, but I haven't got the chance, that's great, send the door to book, do not borrow theory.
我早就想借这本书了,可一直没机会,这下可好了,送上门来的书,岂有不借之理。A few years later, with a little more experience, the slightest tide of success, and he had not been able to approach Carrie at all.
事实上,机会自己送上门来,他太运气了。再过几年,筹嘉莉稍有一点阅历,生活上稍稍顺利一些,那他就别想接近她了。She was pacing the floor like a caged beast now, waiting for the unsolicited thing to be brought up to her.
现在瑞吉斯像一个牢笼中的野兽一样在房间里踱步,等待这自动送上门来的东西被带到她面前。Or is the weekend, to own the customer's God, have used that sort of waiting for automatic delivery business.
或者就是反客为主,变自己为客户的上帝,还抱有以前那种等着生意自动送上门的心理。Next time you order a pizza, ask to have it cut into a heart shape before it is delivered to your home.
下次在点比萨饼的时候,在送上门之前先要求将之切为心型。Take the name of the film "The Pursuit of Happyness" but will take the initiative right at your fingertips you really happy?
电影取名叫“当幸福来敲门”但是,幸福真的会主动送上门来吗?But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst.