Check to see if this section = N_SOL, if it does then extract the source file name and go back to Start.
检查该部分是否为=N_SOL,如果是,则提取源文件名并返回到初始部分。The sample tests to see if the message is one of those objects, and if so, casts it to that class.
该示例将进行测试,查看该消息是否为那些对象中的一种,如果是,则将之强制转换成那一类。The save operation checks that this state is still the current one, and fails if it is not.
保存操作检查该状态是否仍然是当前状态,如果不是则失败。If it does, the managed code wrapping it must demand the necessary permissions before allowing it to be entered.
如果是,则包装它的托管代码必须请求所需的权限,才能输入代码访问安全性。The example checked whether or not the Audit policy was defined for an operation, and, if so, it made sure the request message was logged.
该示例检查是否为某个操作定义了Audit策略,如果是,则确保对请求消息进行记录。If so, then the WebSphere Application Server community forum on developerWorks might be just what you're looking for!
如果是,则developerWorks上的WebSphereApplicationServer社区论坛也许就是您梦寐以求的地方!If it isn't, either leave it altogether, or make sure that you only do it after accomplishing the truly necessary and useful work.
如果不是,则不要该项,或者把它放到确有必要和有帮助的事项之后。If it is, no image transformation is needed and the border pixel value can be worked out directly.
首先判断象素是否是边缘,是则不进行变换,直接将该像素值输出。If so, it removes the order from the system (again the implementation is stubbed out for brevity).