Somewhere along the way, fellas began to believe that putting women on pedestals was the only way to get their attention.
不知什么时候,有些家伙开始相信把女人放上神坛才能吸引他们的注意。She knows the fate which is about to befall upon her, just as the sacrifices on the altar, inescapable death.
她已经知道自己的命运了,就像神坛上的牺牲品,死亡。Alongside the armoured carriers were overturned jeeps, and pools of blood, which had been turned into impromptu shrines.
装甲运兵车旁边有多辆吉普车被掀翻在地,一摊摊血迹变成供人祭拜的临时神坛。He raised his eyes to the altar as if seeking inspiration.
他抬眼望着神坛,好像在找寻灵感。Suitably impressed, William - now know as the Duke of Cambridge - whispered 'you look beautiful' as she joined him at the altar.
不难想象,在神坛上,威廉王子,现在的剑桥公爵在凯特耳边小声的说“你看起来美极了”的情形。Many on the left who made a fetish out of the so-called "public option" will not forgive Mr Obama for ditching it.
许多左翼人士着力把奥巴马打造成“公众选择”的产物,他们可不会原谅奥巴马走下神坛。Now, suddenly, it is all unravelling. The media mogul has lost his touch.
现在,突然之间,一切都化为泡影,这位媒体大亨已跌下了神坛。The crisis has restored the legitimacy of the state: bankers have been dethroned, Alan Greenspan defrocked and economists exposed.
这场危机恢复了政府角色的正当性:银行家遭到唾弃,艾伦-格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)被赶下神坛,经济学家处境难堪。Finance, we were assured, would be pulled from its gilded pedestal.