
汉语拼音:duì jú



  1. 下棋或博戏。

    《北史·魏收传》:“﹝ 魏子建 ﹞颇为弈棋,时人谓为耽好……及一临边事,凡经五年,未曾对局。”《旧五代史·晋书·郑云叟传》:“好棋塞之戏,遇同侣则以昼继夜,虽寒风大雪,临檐对局,手足皸裂,亦无倦焉。”

  2. 指下棋或博戏的对方。

    《太平广记》卷二九八引《广异记·赵州参军妻》:“ 三郎 在堂前,与他少年双陆……闻款门云:‘是直符使者,都使令取 卢 家妇人。’对局劝之,不听。对局曰:‘非独累君,当祸及我。’”


    • To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.


    • The match speed compares with the first game, was also slow many.

      对局速度与首局相比, 也是慢了许多.

    • Have you ever had any adverse reactions to a local anesthetic?

      您以前对局麻药有不良反应 吗 ?

    • Then you go and parse hundreds of thousands of games.


    • Just like in any other match, if you and have enough money to spare, make these.

      就像其他对局一样, 如果你扩张的很好,有足够的钱, 就造它们.

    • Like the previous two installments, each of the three match - ups will be broken down.

      像前两部分一样, 三种对局会逐一阐述.

    • It looked like Dragoon players were trying to keep their fleets of Dragoons in the game.


    • Objective To study the effects of mild hyperthermia and hypothermia on excitatory amino acid ( EAA ) respectively.

      目的研究轻度高温、亚低温对局灶脑缺血组织兴奋性氨基酸 ( EAA ) 的影响.

    • You might be wondering, why shouldn't I go Shadow Teams in this match - up?

      你也许会想, 为什么在这种对局中我不该使用影队快攻 呢 ?