For homeowners looking at planting trees or other crops, consider checking to see if local irrigation district water is available.
对于业主看种植树木或其他作物,考虑检查,是否对本地灌区水可用。His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither.
他儿子听到后去看作物。不幸的是,作物的叶子开始枯萎。But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops.
但大量可供种植的土地分布不均,而且大多只适合种植少数农作物品种。He's got fields of the stuff down on his farm, but as a cash crop there was one big problem: it didn't generate much cash.
虽然他的农场大片大片地种着这东西,但作为一种商品作物,它的一大缺陷就是创收有限。The claim that GM crops give higher yields is often uncritically repeated in the media. But this claim is not accurate.
媒体往往不加鉴别的重复声称转基因作物提供更高的产量的说法。但是这种说法并不准确。He comes to the market when prices are lowest, with the meager fruits of his hard labor, just after the harvest, because he has no choice.
正当他收割完,带着辛苦劳作换来的少得可怜的农作物来到市场时,却正值物价最低,因为他没有选择。Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood.
防护林不仅能来保护耕地和农作物免受风的侵蚀,另外,多余的树枝可以砍下来并能提供木材。Each box had a round, four-gallon tank molded out of polypropylene, with an open-ended shaft in the middle where the seedlings grew.
每个盒子都配有一个容量4加仑的圆形聚丙烯水箱,中央有开口筒腔,作物就在里面生长。The weather remains ideal for development but there were some light concerns with the early cold weather beginning to move into the Midwest.