The tremendous spaciousness of it was glowing with rich gold.
I was going through Lombaed Street in the dusk of the evening.
Misty it is still, glowing through clouds of dust and reek.
苍茫依然, 光辉正穿透尘灰的层云.
The evening films began to make nebulous pictures of the valleys.
The old man plowed on into the gigantic wilderness of wave and writhing sea.
Mist clung there among the bluish tree shapes, beyond range of the lamps.
Behind us the high mountains we had emerged from showed their crumbled peaks and prehistoric spines.
The flame of the sunset lifted from the mountain tops and dusk came into the valley.
Eliza made her desperate retreat across the river just in the dusk of twilight.
Alpine Valley ravine, rolling peaks, plunging valleys, waterfalls and vegetation intact.
谷内高山深谷 、 群峰连绵 、 峡谷苍茫 、 瀑布飞流、植被完好.
In the vast shadow of night the coolness and the dews descend.
Then somewhere in the night a radiance again , like a vapour.
苍茫的夜色,躁动的浮云,斑驳的月光,褐色月晕, 浑然成为一体.
See the deepening twilight , Jinsong , Cloud Flying is still calm.
暮色苍茫看劲松, 乱云飞渡仍从容.
The mountain is known for its stiff cliffs , highrising peaks.
峨眉山峰峦交错,互为屏障,高峻逶迤, 苍茫无际.
It was just growing dark , as she shut the garden gate.