Many airy pavilions and pagodas are on the top of the mountain.
Mountain pavilions, nestled in between trees safflower.
山上亭台楼阁, 掩映于绿树红花之间.
Many pavilions in this park boast distinguishing features.
Garden flat, Lin Shen Shumao , pavilions, bridges, and reduction of domestic well - known fine tourist attractions.
园内地势平坦, 林深树茂, 亭台楼阁 、 小桥流水, 并有精缩的国内著名旅游景点.
Fragrant Hill Park, rich in precious cultural relics, and stars like pavilions scattered among the mountains.
香山公园文物古迹丰富珍贵, 亭台楼阁似星辰散布山林之间.
There are also many pavilions, pagodas and towers made of gold or jade.
这也有一些亭台楼阁 、 庙宇宝塔是用金和玉石制成的.
Sun Moon Lake around, dotted with a number of pavilions and temples, ancient pagoda.
日月潭四周, 点缀着许多亭台楼阁和寺庙古塔.
Eco - hotel room to spend really true grass, bridges, pavilions and beautiful environment, natural ecology.
生态酒店大厅内真花真草 、 小桥流水 、 亭台楼阁,环境优美 、 生态自然.
In this valley were magnificent gardens planted by Hassen - ben - Sabah , and in these gardens isolated pavilions.
在这片山谷里,有山中老人海森班莎所培植的美丽的花园, 花园里,有孤立的亭台楼阁.
It covers an area of 290 hectares , and has halls , pavilions, corridors and bridges almost everywhere.
它占地290公顷, 亭台楼阁和回廊小桥比比皆是.