She ought to have been the slimmest of the bunch: that she remained overweight was a frustration to her, and a mystery to all of us.
她应该是亭亭玉立身材最突出的一个:然而留给她的挫折则是超重,也给我们留下了疑惑。Described by former classmates as shy, she came out of her shell as she blossomed into a young teen.
她以前的同学评价她是个害羞的女孩,她在少女时期出落得亭亭玉立。Inside the door stood a girl. She had white skin, a pretty face, black eyes, long eyelash, and was looking in surprise.
一个亭亭玉立的少女出现在门里边,洁白的皮肤,俊秀的脸庞,黑亮的眼睛,长长的睫毛,正吃惊地看着她。Injection of a lake boat, slim and graceful in the lake, as if a battleship opened to us, the solemn silence.
湖边射出一条条小船,亭亭玉立在湖面,仿佛一艘艘战舰向我们开来,庄严肃穆。This floor lamp that chooses meticulously, like the girl that wears white dress graceful, hazy midstream shows a few minutes bashful.
这座精心挑选的落地灯,如同身着白色连衣裙的少女亭亭玉立,朦胧中流露出几分羞涩。I cannot let you. . . I have watched you grow up and become a strong and beautiful woman. I just can't. . .
我不能让你…我看着你长大,出落得如此亭亭玉立。我就是不能…I have often painted flowers, but no pictures of her arch look, feel sorry about this.
我自己也常常画荷花,但总画不出她那亭亭玉立的样子,觉得很遗憾。Time went by quickly and the little girl has turned into a beautiful woman.
时间转眼消逝,小女孩已变得亭亭玉立了。Your daughter is now quite a woman.