When an Enlightened Master descends to Earth, the entire staff of Her heavenly office comes with Her to serve people who have affinity.
当明师降临人间,整个天国办公室也跟著搬来世间服务有缘人。I had been a teacher for 10-odd years. I at last pined for the time staying with my students. Hope to meet them here!
我曾执教十余年,至今仍留恋与学生在一起的美好时光,望能借此一角与昔日的学生有缘相见。The practitioner seemed to have much affinity with her and asked for her address before leaving.
那位居士和她好像很有缘,临走前向她要了地址。If arrived one end, the affair still could not solve, that also can explain that I really judgment by destiny to have no penny with him.
若是到了最后,事情仍然无法解决,那也只能说明我和他真的有缘无分。Looks like the girl mainly to want to look for that consistently to be predestined friends the human.
看来女孩主要想找的还是那个性格一致的有缘人。She always said we were doomed to be star-crossed lovers destined to wonder what might have been.
她总是说我们有缘无份,总是被命运左右,错过彼此。Chopsticks is a man, a woman is a chopsticks, two chopstick grip yuan together, as a pair of chopsticks, and that is love.
男人是一根筷子,女人是一根筷子,两根筷子有缘握在一起,成为一双筷子,那就是爱情。But when the Freshcorns heard that Michele owned an old horse who had a special way with kids, they decided to give him a try.
可是,听说米歇尔有匹马与孩子特别有缘时,弗莱斯康夫妇还是决定带孩子来看看。You need to believe that if it is not this job, it may be the next.