Information concerning the company applying for the establishment of a wholly foreign owned enterprise .
关于申请建立一家外商独资企业公司的信息。Yet, the news offers a big reminder of how much Beijing depends on the confidence of foreign investors to drive its economy.
但新增投资的消息提醒人们,北京为推动经济增长,对外商投资者的信心存在着多么大的依赖。A "one-stop shop" has helped draw in foreign investment, but the initial invitation is often followed by disappointment.
各地的“便民店”吸引了不少的外商投资,但初衷的邀请却总是以失望而告终。He said policy makers were discussing easing restrictions on other kinds of investment, but he did not provide any details.
他还说,决策者们正在商讨对其他类型的外商投资放松限制,不过他并没有提供任何细节。China's Minister of Commerce, Chen Deming, said the country will continue to attract foreign investment over the next few years.
商务部部长陈德铭说,未来几年中国将继续吸引外商投资。This is now a Health crane production of any foreign-owned enterprises QA, mechanical assembly with a strong understanding.
现在这一家生是产起重机的外商独资企业任QA,对机械装配有了较强的了解。area, they were allowed to remain only for the trading season, during which they had to leave their families at Macau.
外商只准在商馆区范围内活动,而且只可在贸易季节期间逗留,期间他们的家眷须在澳门居。In the first three months of 2006, FDI increased by 90 per cent from a year ago to $14bn and is on an "upward momentum" , she said.
她表示,在2006年的前3个月,外商直接投资比上年同期增长90%,达到140亿美元,而且保持着“增长动力”。But she said the FDI growth rate is not expected to exceed 10 percent this year because of an already inflated base.