I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multi-culture, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented.
我在寻找一个愿意在异国他乡踏踏实实生活,喜欢并宽容多元文化,幽默且不失分寸的女性。"Good-bye, Ida, " said the bridegroom's mother with a laugh; and the carriage rattled away at a good pace, in order to overtake the others.
“再见,艾达。”新郎的母亲笑着道别;马车踢踢踏踏地奔驰了起来,急着去追赶前面的车辆。I do think the record is only a day of learning experiences can be a real gain.
我认为只有踏踏实实的记录下每天的学习心得才能真正的有所收获。Receive the cow isn't a plan to come out of, but step dependable solid of product, service and the system do out.
蒙牛不是策划出来的,而是踏踏实实的产品、服务和体系做出来的。In a young man worked hard and work hard; in middle age, when a down-man, cautious and conscientious work.
人在年轻的时候发奋图强,埋头苦干;在中年的时候踏踏实实做人,兢兢业业做事。If employees could settle down to work steadily, the hotel would be a long-term harbor for their future development.
如果能够心沉下来踏踏实实做事,酒店就会变成员工长期发展的港湾。From childhood, she impressed every teacher with her down- to -earth attitude toward learning.
从童年开始,她就以踏踏实实的学习态度给每一位老师留下印象。No, I hope, in primary school the last six months of life to make sense of everything.
不,我希望,在小学生活的最后半年里要踏踏实实的做好每一件事。The down-to-earth working spirit and the practical learning attitude won me a scholarship.