Those in mammalian cells, the cerebrosides and gangliosides, may perform similar functions.
Large nerve Bundles connect the cerebellum to the medulla, pons, and midbrain.
小脑通过大的神经束与延髓 、 桥脑 、 中脑联系.
Upgaze Paralysis Caused by Lesion of the Periaqueductal Gray Matter.
Parkinson s disease ( PD ) is a degenerative disorder characterized by a loss of midbrain dopamine ( DA ) neurons.
帕金森病 ( PD ) 是一种以中脑多巴胺神经元丢失为特征的 中枢神经 系统退行性疾病.
It is suggested that the ICo is involved in vocal control and audition.
Methods Data of 18 patients with senile cerebral tumor were collected and retrospectively analyzed.
MRI showed that the most important pathological festures of TOB was infection included , midbrain , thalami, cerebellum, occipital lobe, temporal lobe.
MRI提示重要的特征是中脑、丘脑 、 小脑 、 枕叶及颞叶的梗死.
The mass extends anteriorly and there is compression of Sylvius aqueduct . This compression causes significant hydrocephalus.
肿块向前延伸,压迫中脑导水管,压迫中脑导水管, 导致脑积水.
OBJECTIVE : To explore the effects of Schwann cell transplantation on the plerosis of injured midbrain neuron.
目的: 探讨施万细胞移植对损伤的大鼠中脑神经元修复的影响.
Rubral tremor is a rare movement disorder that occurs typically with midbrain damage.
Clinical treatment of PD includes dopamine replacement such as L - DOPA and D _ 2 dopamine receptor agonist.
Lesioning and psychopharmacological studies suggest a wide range of behavioral functions for ascending midbrain dopaminergic systems.
Objective To research the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumefaction in the operation of craniocerebral injury.
Brain images show a large mass with surrounding edema, and compression of adjacent midbrain structures.
脑部影像示颅内有一大包块,外周水肿, 并压迫附近的中脑结构.
The NT ( neurotensin ) contents in different brain regions ( hypothala - mus , midbrain , cortex ) were measured by radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) during biphasicfever induced by EP i. v.
用粗制家兔内生致热原(EP),给大鼠静脉注射复制双相热模型.通过放射免疫测定方法 ( RIA ) 观察了大鼠EP双相热各期不同脑 ( 下丘脑 、 中脑 、 皮质 ) 组织神经降压素 ( neurotensin,NT ) 的含量变化.