汉语拼音:míng mù zhāng dǎn
指无所畏忌。《晋书·王敦传》:“今日之事,明目张胆,为六军之首,宁忠臣而死,不无赖而生矣。” 现多用来形容公开地毫无顾忌地干坏事。
- 【解释】:明目:睁亮眼睛;张胆:放开胆量。原指有胆识,敢做敢为。后形容公开放肆地干坏事。
- 【出自】:《晋书·王敦传》:“今日之事,明目张胆,为六军之首,宁忠臣而死,不无赖而生矣。”
- 【示例】:近日京师奔竞之风,是~,冠冕堂皇做的。
◎清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三一百三回 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义
But on a range of issues Mr Mugabe ensures that his prime minister is often kept out of the loop, in blatant defiance of the GPA.
但是在很多事情上,穆加贝先生是把他的总理留在局外的,例如明目张胆挑衅《全球政治协定》。For these flagrant, transfinite transport vehicles, seem to say "should be severely punished. "
对于这些明目张胆、超限运输的车辆,照理说“应当严惩”。Drug dealing remains in City of God, but the men with the big guns are gone, or at least have been driven underground.
这里的毒品交易还在继续,但是不再有人带着大枪在街上走了,或者说至少他们不敢再明目张胆的活动了,而是改成地下活动了。Today there may not always be bitter opposition by the world against the church, but there cannot be fellowship between them.
今天的世界未必会明目张胆地攻击教会,但两者却绝不能为友。Unfortunately, by the end of this text you'll see that this kind of blatant plagiarism is a common occurence.
很不幸的是,在本文后面,你会看到很多如此明目张胆的抄袭。And North Korea's growing nuclear capacity "may explain why they felt emboldened to carry out an attack as brazen as this, " he said.
而朝鲜日益增强的核武器能力“或许可以解释,他们为什么胆敢如此明目张胆地发动这类攻击,”他说。These lovely figurines allow you to see the variety of positions without the distraction of blatant nudity .
这些可爱的木偶让你看见了各种各样的姿势。同时却消去了难堪的明目张胆的裸体。If they did not call themselves romanticists they nevertheless disagreed explicitly with Howells and his proteges.
他们即使不曾以浪漫派自称,也明目张胆反对豪威尔斯和他的门徒。At least by this one measure, stocks are no longer blatantly overvalued.