
汉语拼音:shuō yǒu



  1. 三国 魏 正始 中, 何晏 、 王弼 等祖述《老》、《庄》,立论以为“天地万物皆以无为本”, 王衍 甚重之,唯 裴頠 以为非,著《崇有论》以讥之。见《晋书·裴頠传》、《王衍传》。后用为讨论万物本原之典。

    宋 苏轼 《明日南禅和诗不到故重赋<数珠篇>以督之》之二:“説有陋 裴頠 ,谈无笑 王衍 。”


  • And in his State of the Union address that December he said that two and a half million Americans were unemployed.

  • They say there is an old man who sells the beads you wanted from the front of his hut, and eight miles of white sand.

  • If the mob were a company -- and in a way it kind of is -- that would really affect the bottom line in an already weak economy.

  • She said strange men burrowed into the apartment after dark, right through the door, the chest of drawers and the armchairs.

  • That isn't to say that investors with emerging-market experience see a strong chance of default among major developed-market economies.

  • "Well, you'd be the only witness there was, " said Casey, "if there was any. Was any one in the house but you that you know of, ma'am? "

  • If anything could be darker than the sky, it was the wall, and if anything could be gloomier than the wall it was the river beneath.

  • 'I don't have personal history any more, ' he said and looked at me probingly. 'I dropped it one day when I felt it was no longer necessary.

  • "Sometimes people cut across me, and others would get angry when I swam into them. But quite a few made way for me, " she said.
