
汉语拼音:hóng gōu



  1. 古运河名。在今 河南省 。

    楚 汉 相争时曾划 鸿沟 为界。《史记·项羽本纪》:“ 项王 乃与 汉 约,中分天下,割 鸿沟 以西者为 汉 , 鸿沟 而东者为 楚 。” 明 沉采 《千金记·延烧》:“ 楚 汉 争锋不得寧, 鸿沟 画界各相吞。” 清 许承钦 《白沟河》诗:“ 良 平 持庙算,谁定割 鸿沟 。”后亦借指疆土的分界。 北周 庾信 《拟咏怀》之八:“ 长坂 初垂翼,鸿沟遂倒戈。” 倪璠 注:“谓 元帝 即位,纔及三年, 魏 军至 襄阳 , 梁 王詧 率众会之,遂至於败也。时 梁 魏 地分南北,有若 鸿沟 。 詧 本 梁 朝宗室,助 魏 自伐,故云倒戈矣。”

  2. 比喻事物间明显的界线。

    清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷五:“昔人谓诗中不可著一词语,词中亦不可作一诗语,其间界若鸿沟。” 鲁迅 《<伪自由书>后记》:“从此之后, 中国 文坛新旧的界限,判若鸿沟。” 巴金 《秋》十:“他的主张跟他兄弟的主张的中间是有一道鸿沟的。”

  3. 大河。

    唐 欧阳询 《用笔论》:“若枯松之卧高岭,类巨石之偃鸿沟。” 清 王士禛 《荥泽渡河》诗之二:“渺渺星槎击楫登,鸿沟极目气飞腾。”


  • The gap between the present and the potentially possible can never be bridged, even if it seems easy to do so.


  • For an instant, as if not a huge gap between people, was a case and good smile of a moment, I feel my life is also the leading role.


  • A year ago, the boom was expected to be the means of breaking down the divide between China's domestic and export-led economies.


  • Ricci's most enduring legacy may be his strategy in engaging with a culture so different from his own.


  • I could speak of any of these topics at length but today our question is about digital divide.


  • In many African education systems, mathematics is compulsory right up to A-levels, so how can we speak of a gap during primary school?


  • But the lucky ones that do get to the chasm today are going to face a big problem that did not exist just a few years ago.


  • There currently seems to be a large gap between computing professionals and all those acting as pure users.


  • "Bacteria are at the bottom of a deep chasm in the energy landscape, and they never found a way out, " explained Dr Martin.


