汉语拼音:tóng zhōu gòng jì
大家坐一条船过河。比喻在艰险的处境中团结互助,共同战胜困难。《淮南子·兵略训》:“同舟而济于江,卒遇风波,百族之子,捷捽招杼船,若左右手,不以相德,其忧同也。” 济:渡河。
- 【解释】:舟:船;济:渡,过洒。坐一条船,共同渡河。比喻团结互助,同心协力,战胜困难。也比喻利害相同。
- 【出自】:《孙子·九地》:“夫吴人与越人相恶也,当其同舟而济,遇风,其相救也如左右手。”
- 【示例】:通常在林海里人与人相遇,和在远洋航海中~一样,为什么他竟这样势不两立。
◎曲波《林海雪原》二十七 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
As most of you know, I am an old Navy pilot and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck.
众所周知,我是一个老海军飞行员,我知道当危机来临的时候,所有的人务必同舟共济。There were still plenty of first-rate ones: Unilever and Toyota continued to innovate through thick and thin.
一流企业仍数不胜数:联合利华和丰田汽车同舟共济不断创新。Still, the two have managed to work together in a time of crisis in the European Union.
当然,他们俩在欧盟的危急时刻也能够精诚合作同舟共济。You stayed with us through out those difficult days seven years ago when even the existence of the company was in question.
在7年前整个那些困难的岁月里,甚至在公司处于风雨飘摇的时刻,你都一直与我们同舟共济。Our boss said that we are in the same boat, if everyone worked hard, the company would survive, otherwise it would have to close down.
我们老板说,大家现在是同舟共济,如果每个人都努力工作,公司还能生存,否则只有关门了事。I salute you as you reach the gold milestone of your life. May you have many gold years and find deeper, richer joys in the years ahead.
为你们同舟共济到达人生的金色里程碑致意。祝愿你们有更多的金色岁月,欢乐无限。In her talk, Clinton evoked the ancient Chinese aphorism Tongzhou Gongji : "When on a common boat, cross the river peacefully together. "
在讲话中,克林顿引用了一个古老的中国成语同舟共济:“双方同坐在一条船上,一起平安渡河。”He said : "We live in a planet as a boat, Everyone on board should join forces. "
他说:“我们生活的星球就像一艘船,船上的每个人应该同舟共济。”An Australia rising to new heights while preserving our great traditions of a fair go and pulling together in times of adversity.