He said he became Ms Wang's lover soon after they met in March 1992 even though his wife was pregnant with their first son, Wealthee.
他表示,他们于1992年3月初次见面后不久,他就成为龚如心的情人,尽管他妻子当时已怀上了长子Wealthee。He said Mr Chan was Ms Wang's feng shui master and had received millions of dollars for his advice. The case continues.
他表示,陈振聪是龚如心的风水师,且获得了数百万美元的顾问费。此案目前仍在审理中。The foundation claimed Ms Wang had wanted to leave her fortune to a charity and establish a Chinese Nobel prize.
该基金会称,龚如心曾希望把自己的财产留给一家慈善机构,并设立一个中国式的诺贝尔奖(NobelPrize)。Ms Wang, who died of cancer in 2007, was known as "Little Sweetie" , thanks to her trademark pig-tails, heavy make-up and mini-skirts.
龚如心在2007年死于癌症,其标志性的马尾辫、浓重的妆容和迷你裙为她赢得了“小甜甜”的昵称。Her fortunes became the subject of a tussle between Wang's family and feng shui master Tony Chan, who was also her alleged lover.
2007年龚如心去世,死后留下数十亿美元的遗产,其家人与据称是其情人的风水大师陈振聪(TonyChan)为这笔巨额财产争论不休。The green grass, such as the heart ripple swing with the wind.
岸边的绿草随风摆动,如心儿荡漾。Din-shin produced a will written by Teddy in 1968 after he apparently discovered his wife was having an affair; it left Nina with nothing.
王廷歆出示了一份王德辉于1968年确定妻子有婚外情后立下的遗嘱;这份遗嘱什么也没留给龚如心。Ms Wang in 2005 won that lawsuit and, with it, control of Chinachem, a private property developer, making her Asia's richest woman.
龚如心在2005年赢下了那场官司,从而获得了私人房地产开发商——华懋集团的控制权,从而成为亚洲最富有的女性。Eight bodyguards linked hands to form a human wall between Wang and photographers and reporters so she could enter the building.