汉语拼音:ān rán wú yàng
- 【解释】:恙:病。原指人平安没有疾病。现泛指事物平安未遭损害。
- 【出自】:《战国策·齐策》:“岁亦无恙耶?民亦无恙耶?王亦无恙耶?。”
- 【示例】:只求处士每岁元旦,作一朱幡,上图日月五星之文,立于苑东,吾辈则安然无恙矣。
- 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义,指经历危险的事故没有受
He promised his wife to return safe and sound. = He promised his wife that he would return safe and sound. promise sth.
他答应自己的妻子会安然无恙的回来.他答应自己的妻子会安然无恙的回来。When the enemy came to the village, the child was hidden in a barrel, which saved his skin. And all the others were killed.
当敌人来到这个村子的时候,那个孩子被藏在一个桶里,使他安然无恙。其他所有人都被杀了。The modified question will be: How much bubble wrap do you need to survive jumping out of the 6th floor of a building?
修改之后的问题如下:你需要包裹多少汽泡纸才能从6楼窗口跳下去并安然无恙?He ran behind the wall anxiously, but Peter was all right, "I'm sorry, sir, " he said, "but I ( missed ) again. "
他跑到那堵墙后面,但彼得安然无恙,“对不起,长官,”他说,“但我射偏了。”It's especially special that I cannot adapt to shallow waters, but it's okay for me to swim in deep waters.
尤其特别的是,我总是无法适应浅水区,却能在深水区中安然无恙。Later that day, the family said the boy was found unharmed, and claimed he had been hiding all along in an attic inside the family's garage.
当日晚些时候,希内一家宣布发现福尔肯安然无恙,说福尔肯一直躲藏在家中车库的一个阁楼上。The assumption was that if each institution was safe, then the system as a whole would be too.
他们认为,只要每一家银行都是安全的,那么整个系统也会安然无恙。He was pulled out of the boot and tied up to his two friends, who were left unharmed.
之后,康伯巴奇就被拉出了后备箱,和他的两个朋友绑在了一起。最终,他们都安然无恙。During the war a bullet knocked the pistol out of his had, but he had a charmed life.