
汉语拼音:rè dú



  1. 中医病症名。即温毒。指火热病邪郁结成毒。也是疔疮、丹毒、热疖等急性热病的统称。

    宋 赵叔向 《肯綮录·东坡易箦》:“昨日齿中出血,如蚯蚓状无数,盖是热毒,根深不浅。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草四·漏卢》:“漏卢下乳汁,消热毒,排浓止血,生肌杀虫。”《红楼梦》第三四回:“刚才捱打,又不许叫喊,自然急的热毒热血未免存在心里。”


    • Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.

      热毒内陷脏腑时伴恶寒发热, 口干渴, 烦闷.

    • Avoid eating frying food. Not to be taken during fever or pregnancy.

      避免进食煎、炸、热毒之食品. 感冒发热及孕妇忌服.

    • Acute infectious diseases, high fever, delirium.

      急性热病, 高热不退, 神昏谵语,热毒斑疹.

    • Heat - toxin: limb burning pain, swelling dishes, inconsistent hot.

      热毒型: 患肢灼热疼痛, 暗红肿胀, 触之灼热.

    • It is applied for the early large carbuncles, with accumulated hot toxin and Qi blood stasis.

      仙方活命饮应用于痈疡肿毒初起, 热毒壅聚,气滞血瘀.

    • For the microscopic aspect of the inflammation, this low inflammation belongs to toxic heat theory.

      糖尿病的高血糖会导致血管低度炎症,从炎症的微观表现来看, 属于中医学的“热毒”范畴.