汉语拼音:wú jī zhī tán
没有根据的说法。《尚书·大禹谟》:“无稽之言勿听。” 稽(jī):查考。
- 【解释】:无稽:无法考查。没有根据的说法。
- 【出自】:《尚书·大禹漠》:“无稽之言勿听。”
- 【示例】:既无其说,是为~。
◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十七回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语;含贬义
Amid all the rumor, speculation and nonsense, only you know for certain what you think and feel.
在各种流言、猜测和无稽之谈中,只有你了解自己的真实想法和感受。Eating carrots to help you see in the dark is an old wives' tale-it doesn't make any difference at all.
吃胡萝卜能帮助人在黑暗里看得清东西,这种说是无稽之谈——实际上毫无作用。But if history's any guide, a year-end rally may not be so far-fetched.
但如果历史规律真的有参考价值的话,那么股市年底反弹或许并非无稽之谈。It is sheer nonsense claiming to be an excellent volunteer without love and a sense of responsibility.
没有爱心和责任心,想要成为一个优秀的自愿者,简直就是无稽之谈。I remember just a few years ago speaking about climate change, and people heckling me in the back and saying it doesn't even exist.
我还记得仅仅是在几年前,当我讲到气候变化的时候,还有人在后面质问我说那是无稽之谈。It is nonsense to stick with a broker, or any other sort of 'professional' who just takes your money.
依附听命于股票经纪人或形形色色的股市职业专家更是无稽之谈,因为他们的目的只是从你口袋里掏钱而已。Lots of hands shot up during the Q&A period. Susan said the plan is going to fall flat on its face but Bill dismissed the comment.
发问期间举手的人很多。苏珊说那个计划将会一败涂地,但比尔说那是无稽之谈。Defamation and contempt of those absurd attempt to fight her to re-ignite the fire of love.
这些轻蔑诽谤及无稽之谈试图扑灭她重新点燃的爱情之火。Yesterday's common sense is often today's common nonsense.