When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the whole group.
当我们第一次参加会议时,我被要求写一首诗并且要面对全体组员把这首诗朗诵出来。The information can be displayed to the crew on the yacht or transmitted to coaches on a chase boat, or to a support team on shore.
这些信息可以显示给帆船上的全体组员,或传送给旁边护航快艇上的教练团,或传送给在岸上的后勤单位。In the version of this game played by the volunteers, all four members of each group had been "charged" with a crime.
在这个志愿者参与的版本中,所有4个组员都被“指控”一个罪行。Clara nodded at the group, and the side of her mouth that could move curved into a smile.
克莱拉向组员们点头示意,她那不能移动的半边嘴巴绽放出笑容。You and your crew must race in an all-out war for the city, risking everything to take over your rivals' neighborhoods one block at a time.
你和你的组员为城市一定在一个全面性的战争中比赛,冒每件事物的危险遍及你的对手邻近地区轮流一每次阻塞。After the breakfast, I said to my team members, sews on the adobe-made stove, after a night, had been split.
吃完早饭,我向组员们指出,土坯炉子上的泥缝,经过一天一夜的烘烤,已经干裂了。One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion.
一名组员应准备向全班汇报你们的讨论情况。Thomas: Great. Let me introduce you to the rest of the team.
汤玛仕︰很好。让我介绍妳给其他组员认识吧。First, you can push your company to adopt such a program as a way of improving employee morale, including those in your group.