In a rambling discourse, he said al-Qaida forces had given hallucinogenic drugs to the city's youth to incite unrest.
他在散乱无章的讲话中说,基地组织的部队为了挑起动乱,让城里的青少年服用“迷幻药”。And anarchic games of folk football are still played in a handful of British towns once a year.
此外,英国每年有几个城镇都会举行一次无章可循的中世纪足球比赛。What this person says seems to come out of nowhere.
这个人说什么,似乎无章可循。And even if, this week, things appear to be getting more chaotic, it won't be long before you start to hear harmony.
这周,事情显得更混乱无章,但过不多久你就开始听到顺利的好消息了。These types of odd questions are called "wild cards" because they seem to come out of nowhere.
之所以称那些古怪的问题为“外卡”,是由于看起来它们好像无章可循。"Shiniandongluan" so that the army had no legal basis for a while, unsystematic dilemma.
“十年动乱”曾使军队一度陷入无法可依、无章可循的窘境。If the galaxies within a cluster are the urban cores of the megacity , this gas is the suburban sprawl.
假如星系团内的星系是大都会的城市核心,这气体便是散漫无章的延伸郊区。I'm allowing myself to go into chaos because out of chaos, I'm hoping some moments of truth will come.
我就是要自己进入混乱无章的状态。因为只有在混乱之中,我们才能期待真理的到来。Effective evaluation of early childhood education software is a measure to cope with quality problems and lack of standards for selection.