There is nothing to fear. For nothing can diminish the true beauty at the heart of you.
无以为惧,因为任何事物都无法削弱你内心深处真正的美。That gives it a better chance of sustaining productivity growth when the gains from adopting existing technologies run out.
这使其在现有技术带来的增长无以为继时有更大的可能性维持生产率增长。In other words, they know they are my main source of income and they're waiting for me to be hungry enough to break the strike.
换句话说,他们知道自己是我主要的收入来源,正在等我无以为继的时候自己放弃罢工。She has did so much things for me but I can do nothing for her.
她为我做那么多事情,我却无以为报。Thus, he indicated, he had found that the best way to pay for political expenses not within his means was to allow contributors to do so.
因此他又表示,在自己无以为力的情况下已经找到了解决政治开销的最好方法:允许捐赠者捐款。This has saddled her with half a million dollars in legal bills and made her job impossible.
这些东西让佩林身背50万美元的法律费用,也让她的工作无以为继。The journey took longer than I had planned; I had no food left in my dish.
途长路远,远乎我的预期,我已是无以为餐;I pay for you to the hard work, I thought that was not, I say "teacher, hello! "
对于你为我付出的辛劳,我无以为报,我说一声“老师,你好!”as I'm unable to repay it, I can only wish you the best luck in advancing in your careers.