A very difficult feeling, no friends, no hope, and I do not know how someone is a person feeling like a rootless grass in the decade.
感觉过得很艰难,没有朋友,没有寄托,而我又是个不知道怎样倾诉的人,感觉像一棵无根的草在飘摇。I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs off the edge, feeling more rootless than I "ve ever felt. "
我在砖面粗糙的门廊上坐下,双脚悬荡着,一种前所未有过得无根感涌上心头。A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow (usually pahoehoe).
翻译成中文为:熔岩丘是形成于玄武岩熔岩流(通常为绳状熔岩)表面的小型无根溅出锥。Affection of the blood concentration and elegant are born with no result has no roots, no grudges, be they from.
亲情的血浓与淡雅是与生俱来的,无因无根,无怨无由。You may feel a bit ungrounded in this new space. It takes time to get used to it.
你可能在新空间里觉得有一点无根无据不踏实,你需要花时间去适应。Instead of a single giant limb, it has two arms each with four delicate fingers and a thumb.
它有无根灵巧的手指,而不是单一的巨人臂。Like the rootless duckweed, after floating and then joined to the sea.
就像那本无根的浮萍,漂浮之后终归大海。Some plants have poisonous roots or fruit , so you must be very careful before you eat the fruit in the forest.
有些植物既无根又无果实有毒,所以你必须非常小心。在你吃之前,水果在森林里。A nation can't exist without people just as a tree can't grow without roots.