I'd much rather be a lady, able to own a fine house and not worry about kingship or other such affairs of state.
要是我,我宁愿自己是一个女人,有一座很好的房子,不用担心自己的王权或是这个国家的事务。This was not a king who held a staff just as a symbol of power. This was a young man who needed a cane to walk.
这些迹象都表明,图坦卡蒙不是一位以手握权杖来象征王权的法老,他只是个需要以手杖来辅助行走的虚弱年轻人。All of these groups had in common a well-developed urban civilization with a strong ideology of sacred kingship.
所有的这些组织有共同发达的和神圣的王权强大思想城市文明。It was the fact that the kingship had been struggling for the power with the religious authority in whole history of Pharaoh Egypt.
法老埃及的王权与神权之间从来就不是和谐统一的,始终存在矛盾和斗争。One way out of this predicament would be to shrink the Thai monarchy back to its previous size.
有个办法能摆脱这种困境,即限制王权,退回当年情形。He had a great love for children, was always willing to help out fellow musicians and passed out laxatives to royalty and heads of state.
他很喜爱小朋友,总是愿意帮助后进的音乐家,并且传达了对于政府首长与王权的放肆态度。In the New Testament, the word basileia can be translated by "kingship" (abstract noun), "kingdom" (concrete noun) or "reign" (action noun).
一词可译为「王权」(抽象名词)、「王国」(具体名词)、「统治」(行动名词)。He gave back the kingdom and promised that he would always protect King Goodness.
他归还王权并誓言要永远保护大仁慈王。And I preferred her before kingdoms and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her.