I had a great high shapeless cap, made of a goat's skin, with a flap hanging down behind.
我头上戴着一顶山羊皮做的、不成样子的、又高又大的便帽,脑后垂着一块长长的帽缘。Why? Because their goals were made so long ago that it has ceased to be in their forefront.
为什么?因为他们的目标定得太早,以至于早被他们抛之脑后了。Take a drink of cold water and pull your lady tight to your mouth by placing your hand on the back of her head.
喝一口凉水,把手放在她的脑后,把她拉到你身边,紧紧地靠着你的嘴巴。When you finish eating your Hollywood ice cream cone, you immediately put it out of your mind, but that lollipop isn't so easily forgotten.
只是好莱坞冰淇淋吃多了,吃完会马上忘在脑后,这支棒棒糖却不这么简单?He reached back in a practiced gesture to smooth down his ponytail, as if he were petting a cat or a ferret.
他用熟练的动作把手伸向脑后,梳弄着他的马尾辫子,好像在抚弄着一只小猫或者是一只白鼬。Skiing, hiking, and biking allow you to leave the constraints of study and family behind.
滑雪、远足和骑游能让你将学习和家庭的束缚抛到脑后。It is not difficult to understand why Catherine, miles away in the United States, soon faded in her husband's memory.
远在美国的凯瑟琳和奥基弗天各一方,难怪会被丈夫很快抛到脑后。We go on journeys chiefly to be free of all obstacles and of all inconveniences, to leave ourselves behind, much more to get rid of others.
我们旅行主要就是去释放障碍和不便,把我们自己放大脑后,尽可能多地去摆脱他们。"Let me fix my coat for you, anyway, " and he arose and arranged his light coat in a comfortable position to receive her head.