When you gain optimistic, open-minded, placid and substantial attitude, it's natural for you to be in good mood.
当拥有了乐观豁达、平和殷实心态,你的心情自然快乐,你会微笑着面对生活、工作!His father was a successful and wealthy physician. (2) He provided the children with everything that money could buy.
他的父亲是一位事业有成、殷实富有的内科医生。凡是金钱能买到的东西,他都提供给孩子们。The packaging is all part of a marketing ploy to make the goods look more substantial. . .
包装是市场营销的全部。使商品看起来更殷实…When he was a student, his brother had already established the trade in a good way in London.
他还是学生时,他的兄弟在伦敦已是殷实的富商了。Autumn light! It was a quiet day together rich, crystal jade run. Is the moment of calm calm after solidification.
秋光么!那是一个个素淡的日子叠加起来的殷实,晶莹玉润。是沧海桑田瞬间凝固后的平静淡定。How's farmers had been, at least, relatively prosperous ; Garland's were crushed with debt .
豪笔下的农民至少还算殷实;加兰的农民则被债务压得喘不过气来。Fortunately, a wealthy relative was able to help him through the university.
一位殷实的亲戚有能力帮助他读完了大学。It was strange to see him, after all these years, here on the platform of Euston, looking so prosperous and solid.
时光流逝,在奥斯顿的站台上再度见到他,真有些陌生感,尤其是他现在如此地阔气殷实。He had squandered a substantial fortune, he had been deplorably convivial, he was known to have gambled freely.