You don't have to worry about me. I'm a good swimmer.
Varnish the table with two or three coats of water-based varnish.
I bought a water-based paint, then decided to water it down even more.
He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer.
Lubrication with a watersoluble jelly is preferred.
Roots tend to grow towards water in a soil, they show positive hydrotropism.
根的生长倾向于有水的土壤, 表现出正向水性.
Therefore, apply cement asphalt paste to permeable pavement have practicability.
就整体而言, 水泥沥青胶浆应用于透水性铺面具有可行性.
Fast dry, Adhesion , Gloss, With non - yellowing film, Water & grease resistance .
速乾, 密著, 光泽, 涂膜透明不黄变, 耐水性, 耐油性.
On the main including solvents, on water, UV glazing oil.
上光涂料主要包括溶剂上光油, 水性上光油 、 UV上光油等.
The hydrophobicity is related to molecular volume and polarity.
Water is mainly composed of pesticides, solvents, auxiliaries three parts.
水性上光油主要由主剂 、 溶剂 、 助剂三大部分组成.
We use environmental friendly waterborne materials for coating which has no smell.
The most common Polish oil and wear - resistant , wear - resistant than the water - based finish.
普通磨光油 耐磨 最差, 耐磨性光油比 水性 耐磨.
So water pertains to yin and fire to yang.
Water - borne polyurethane is the predominant material of membrane pressing adhesive.
水性 聚氨酯是真空吸塑胶的主要成分.