A club seems to him but a piece of straw; he laughs at the rattling of the lance.
棍棒算为禾秸;他嗤笑短枪飕的响声。The men fired again and again, and, when the animals got to close quarters, lashed out with their sticks and their heavy boots.
那帮人在不断地射击,等到动物们接近他们时,他们就又用棍棒和那沉重的靴子大打出手。In response what seemed to be the whole community, including old women, rushed out with swords and sticks to fight the attackers.
面对袭击,整个社区的居民包括老年妇女,都冲出家门用剑及棍棒反抗袭击者。He said the two of them decided to head home after being caught in a clash with club-wielding forces in central Tehran.
他说他们两人当时在德黑兰中部遭遇了舞着棍棒者的势力冲突,正准备回家。Could some enterprising kid avoid the rod by pointing out to his mother that it's not in the Bible?
如果一个积极进取的孩子向他妈妈指出圣经里没这句话,他能免受棍棒之灾?He did not rob openly, but stole secretly and cunningly, out of respect for club and fang.
它并不是为了愉悦精神而偷窃,只是为了填饱肚子;它也从不公开抢劫,只是私下窃取,一切都是出于对棍棒和利齿的敬畏。He took Cosette by his left hand, and with his right he picked up his cudgel, which was lying on the ground.
他用左手牵着珂赛特,用右手从地上拾起他的那根棍棒。In one instance, an eight-year-old male with a stick stepped out of his mother's nest, built a smaller nest and laid his stick in it.
一项事例表明,一个八岁大的公猩猩会带着一个棍棒逐渐离开他母亲的庇护所,建立起一个小窝并把他的棍棒放在里面。Franois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team.