I't been a year, although now we have no relationship and forget each other.
一年了、虽说现在我们没什么关系、彼此早就遗忘了。Stalking seems to be becoming more common; but now the criminal-justice system, which has been slow to respond, might be about to catch up.
缠扰行为似乎变得越来越普遍;虽说现在为止刑事司法系统对这种恶行的反应仍有些迟钝,不过可能马上就会得到改善。Nonetheless, no one has ever been harmed by a bit of space garbage.
虽说如此,没有一块曾经被一点点太空残骸侵害过。Although something of a rarity, it may become more common as sunflower seeds are increasingly appearing in food.
虽说这是少见的现象,不过,由于食物中越来越多地用到了葵花子,这种过敏也许会越来越普遍。Given the buzz attached to his name in the hallowed halls of Apple, Jonathan Ive might be expected to be something of an egomaniac.
他的名字金光辉煌地印在苹果的神圣大殿上,乔纳森埃维虽说仍会被看作一个极其自负的狂人。Harry heard something creak outside. He hoped the roof wasn't going to fall in, although he might be warmer if it did.
哈利听到外面有什么东西吱吱作响。他希望屋顶可别塌下来,虽说真那样的话他倒可能会觉得暖和些了。In its ZiXu, he said that he was "an ascetic" reincarnation, this invention, although it is but he has really very bitter.
在其自序中,他自称是“苦行僧”转世,这虽说是杜撰,但他的一生确实很苦。I may be wealthy, but I'm not made of money you know!
我虽说是富有不错,但我也不是摇钱树,你知道吗!This is all a form of front-running, even if the trading is not taking place in front of a client order.