A famous thought experiment asks what you would do with a terrorist who knew the location of a ticking nuclear bomb.
有个著名的思想试验,问你会怎样对待一个知道嘀嗒作响的原子弹方位的恐怖分子。from the two sixty level to now the four seventy level on the DOW-Jones Industrial Average in a matter, and literally, in a split second.
事实上几乎是在嘀嗒之间,道琼斯工业平均指数的跌幅从二百六十点关卡到现在的四百七十点关卡。The baby in Mom's tummy had a heart that sounded like a little watch. It ticked so fast.
胎儿在妈妈肚子里时,他的心跳声就像一块小表,像嘀嗒走动的秒针那么快。The voice and the ticks are always very loud in the darkness of the early morning.
那声音连同嘀嗒声一起,在黎明前的黑暗之中格外清晰。Listen carefully and notice how the ticking increases in apparent intensity.
仔细听,注意到嘀嗒声是如何明显地提高强度的。He think: why all the things that can go a little tick tick to open this baby fortune favors decision, look at the box.
他想:这个方方的东西为什么能嘀嗒嘀嗒走个不停小天佑决定要打开这个宝贝匣子,看看其中的奥妙。That key was magic to me. It kept our family's magnificent clock ticking and chiming .
在我看来,这把钥匙是不可思议的,它可以使钟嘀嗒作响,实时报时。Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they hear something ticking.
在墙角放个箱子,等有人进来了,就问他们有没有听到表针的嘀嗒声。She clicked the beads of her rosary .