Then as it grew it took a regular rhythm, and he knew it for nothing else but the pat-pat-pat of little feet still a very long way off.
后来,声音渐渐响了,而且发出一种有规律的节奏。他明白了,这不是别的,只能是小脚爪踩在地上发出的啪嗒声,不过声音离得还远。There was a rapid patter of bare feet, and an unseen hand opened the door into the huntsmen 's room.
可以听见一双赤脚仓促地啪嗒啪嗒地走动起来,一只看不见的手打开了通往仆人住所的门。She did not answer, but tears rolled heavily down her cheeks.
她没有回答,可是眼泪却啪嗒啪嗒地从脸上滚落下来。Directly on the ground while Pata had a sense of fragmentation, I do not know how this instrument match.
直接落在地上则啪嗒有碎裂之感,不知应用何种乐器比拟。and then, as I closed the door, I heard her morning slippers pattering back to her cooling tea.
随后我关上门时,听到她的晨拖啪嗒啪嗒地往她冷了的茶走去。He bares his teeth , and she pulls the door closed behind her with a click .
他呲着牙,她转身然后啪嗒一声拉上了门。The undergrowth at the side of the scar was shaken and a multitude of raindrops fell pattering.
孤岩侧面的矮灌木林丛被摇晃着,大量的雨珠啪嗒啪嗒地直往下掉。After 10 p. m. , I run down the residential streets, passing the homes, and listen to the padding of my own shoes.
晚上10点之后,我沿着住宅区跑下来,经过了自己的家,听着鞋打在地上的“啪嗒”声。While in the locker room, make sure you wear flip-flops, and avoid sitting nude on any exposed surface, try to sit on your towel instead.