Alchemists searched in vain for this substance for several hundred years.
The alchemists were the forerunners of the scientists of today.
At first glance, it all seems an alchemist's illusion.
乍看上去, 它完全象是一位炼金术士的幻术.
With caustic wit , he made a fierce assault on the alchemists.
The magician turned the boy into a frog.
Alchemists found that a number of materials were especially useful in their work.
By insensible gradations the last of the alchemists became the first of the experimental philosophers.
Besides gold, there were two other things that alchemists tried to make in their laboratories.
除了炼制金子之外, 炼金术士们还试图获得另外的两样东西.
I served in the U.S. World of Warcraft, Warlock also practiced.
我在美服玩魔兽, 练的也是术士.
For experienced Warlocks , Hunters, Shadow Priests and Feral Druids.
招收有经验的术士, 猎人, 暗牧和野德.
Nightfall: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting.
夜幕: 现在术士坐着时可以触发.
" What? " The Master of Sorcere brandished his sausage. " This travesty. This abomination. "
“ 怎么了? ” 术士学院的导师挥舞着手中的香肠. “ 我说的是这个烂东西. 这个恶心的玩意. ”
There were genuine and false alchemists in medieval times.
Alchemists made resultless efforts to transform one metal into another.
A one - hour OVA, Fullmetal Alchemist: Reflections Special OVA, was released in 2005.
一小时的卵, 钢之炼金术士: 反思特别卵, 在2005年获释.