Of course the trick is getting them to actually use the bed and not just try to plop down in their favorite spot on your desk.
当然,要让他们真的睡在这张床上,不会试图扑腾一下跳到它们最爱的书桌一角。He heard a little noise close to his feet. He looked down and there was a wee brown bird fluttering in the grass.
他听见脚边有声音,低头一看,原来是一只棕色的小鸟在草丛里扑腾。He saw Evers thrashing her way along a line that was tethered to the boat. She clung to it, but was continually swamped by the water.
他看见伊芙兹沿着拴在小船上的绳子猛烈地扑腾。伊芙兹紧紧抓住绳子,但是却不断地被水浸没。When workers carefully and reverently took it out of the box, the eagle owl constantly thumped its wings.
工作人员小心翼翼地将其从箱子里拿出来时,雕枭不停地扑腾着翅膀。One girl was screaming. A boy was trying to claw his way across the floor to the door in a crazy over arm crawl.
一个女同学喊叫着,一个男同学在地板上疯狂地扑腾着,死命地爬向门口。One wrong step and I could either make a desperate, flailing grab for the boat or be over my head in water!
要是一步踏错,就可能扑腾着连小艇都够不着,要不就是在水里来一个倒栽葱!When he opened the briefcase, papers flew out, a thousand doves flailing against the walls of the alley.
他打开公文包时,一堆纸页飞出,好像成千只鸽子顶着墙乱扑腾。Rather than beating about the bush, the fall of the dendrite in the matter of flopping about.
而不是拖泥带水,陷落在无关紧要的枝蔓中扑腾。We left the children thrashing about in the shallow end of pool.