
汉语拼音:rèn jù



  1. 即刀具。切削工具的统称。参见“ 刀具 ”。


    • Higher hardness of film and excellent wear - resistance increase the tool life suprisingly.

      高硬涂层膜具有极好的 抗 磨损性,极好的刃具寿命.

    • We make great efforts to provide helix tools with complete specifications, excellent qualities and reasonable prices.

      以提供规格齐全, 品质优良,价格合理的旋转刃具而不懈努力!

    • I principal elementi di fissaggio standard operative , hardware instrument , utensili da taglio , prodotti in gomma.

      主要经营标准紧固件 、 五金工具、刃具 、 橡胶制品.

    • It was used in many places , such as blade - making and aerial material joining.


    • Measuring Tool main production, cutting tool products, registered trademarks fine for the Central licensing.

      主要生产量具 、 刃具产品, 注册商标为精环牌.

    • Infrastructure used by the diamond industry , cutting tools, for the consumption of the largest diamond blade.

      基建业使用的金刚石刃具中, 消耗最大的为金刚石锯片.