The men had relinquished their position at the first serious counterattack.
The enemy are massing their force for an attack.
Mussolini was the first to react.
In certain situations, donating your medical services could be considered a kickback.
在一定情况下, 提供医疗服务应考虑到反扑.
We can't play cagey and we have to go at them.
Galvatron destroys and leads the Decepticons against Earth.
The second half, ZenIt'started the big counterattack.
下半时, 泽尼特 开始了大肆的反扑.
After fumbling, Tianjin initiated has counter - attacked crazily.
失球后, 天津发起了疯狂地反扑.
But aren't deviant adults also ready to pounce?
但不是思想有偏差的成人也准备反扑 么 ?
This into a ball, your former Porto's Champions League immediately lost the courage strike back.
此球一进, 贵为前欧冠冠军的波尔图立刻失去了反扑的勇气.
Your strategy has always seemed to be a risk - free one . Good organisation andcaught on the counter - attack.
记者:“您的战术总是零风险的, 能良好的组织,抵御对手的反扑. ”
Since then, Colombia failed counterattack scale, fixed the final score of 0 to 1.
此后哥伦比亚大举反扑无功而返, 比分最终定格在0比1.
The company leader led his men against the repeated counterattacks of the enemy.
Independent materiel - filling equipment prevents the powder from blowing, making sure of its sealing quality.
独立的物料充填装置,有效避免细粉物料的反扑 、 反溅;确保封口质量.
After Marsh's eventual conversion , Rovers roared back and enjoyed a decent amount of possession.