
汉语拼音:liáng fěn



  1. 用绿豆粉等滤去渣滓熬成稠糊,冷却后凝成块状的食品。



    • Tianshui Mesona variety of different flavors to create exquisite, unique seasoning.

      天水凉粉品种繁多,风味各异,制作考究, 佐料独特.

    • Buckwheat Bean has a high nutritional and medicinal value.


    • Ming mungbean grain, and color green, suitable for processing into fen pi, fans, Mesona.

      明绿豆粒大, 色绿, 适于加工成粉皮 、 粉丝 、 凉粉.

    • Mesonachang kuan ge first cut into 3 - 4 cm and 1 cm thick box, placed READY.

      先将凉粉切成长宽各 3—4 厘米、厚约1厘米的方块, 放置待用.

    • One with buckwheat jelly produced by the complexity of the process , the English style.

      其中用养麦制作的凉粉工艺复杂, 风味俱佳.

    • Bean and fruit jelly, with cool, fragrant and sweet taste , frees you from the summer heat.

      凉粉水果冻, 清凉香甜解暑热.

    • In the staple food to eat, with jelly, people tend to increase appetite, appetites.

      在吃主食时, 配以凉粉, 往往使人食欲大增, 胃口大开.

    • A great variety of snack : The eggs used for the festivals and the cold jelly.
