So far, they have met with no success.
The general assessment of his work is 30 % achievements and 70 % mistakes.
Reflection had given calmness to her judgment and sobered her own opinon of Willougbby's deserts.
As to other leaders, he also evaluated them fairly and objectively. Mr.
对太平天国其他领袖人物, 他都能够比较公正、客观地评价他们的功过是非.
Remember that history, and your children, will judge you.
记住, 你的功过得失, 历史和后人自会评判.
I've worked with him successfully in the past at FC Porto.
Getting a jump on history, many books have already judged him.
许多书籍却早先历史一步, 已经开始评定功过.
He who never failed might never succeed in anything.
Desert and reward seldom keep company.
There was a heated dispute between the merit water hyacinth on purification or pollution in water - bodies.
凤眼莲在城市河湖的污染与净化中的是非功过争议很大,双方意见均有部分正确,但各有 片面性.
Awes the Reese special department weighs the world the right and wrong merit.
A deep probe into the cause, merits and demerits make a further approach to traditional operas.
深入探究明清折子戏的成因及其功过, 对于拓展戏曲史研究的视野,有较为重要的借鉴意义.
In the internal structure of Taoism, its importance is just inferior to doctrine.
道教的戒律书可分为戒、律 、 科、清规、功过格和善书六类.
This present paper thinks, in his whole life, merits and demerits is all very outstanding.
本文认为, 金废帝一生功过都很突出.
Whether his conviction was sound in law will, however, be decided by history.
且不说他的罪行是否在法律上站得住脚, 然而他的功过会被历史来评说.