
汉语拼音:qiú yī



  1. 进行球类运动的运动员进行体育运动时穿着的服装,一般包括上身的短袖和下身的短裤。材料一般使用具有良好透气疏水性的布料,不会影响运动员的身体活动,不易产生静电,重量轻。

  2. 同“毬衣”。古代玩毬戏时所穿服装。

    《辽史·穆宗纪上》:“庚寅,如 应州 击鞠。丁酉, 汉 遣使进毬衣及马。”


  • He was an unbelievable player, he scored so many goals for the club and for him to hand the shirt over to me was a real honour.


  • "I wouldn't be sitting here in an England track suit now if it wasn't for all my mum's sacrifices and everything she did for me, " he said.


  • That kind of the sports clothes of the red black is like the stick of similar nature of my second floor skin at me.


  • He was an unbelievable player, who scored so many goals for the club and for him to hand the shirt over to me was a real honour.


  • A shirt that weighed 200 grams at the beginning of a match can weigh up to two-and-a-half times as much just 45 minutes later.


  • It was really nice to hear them singing my name and to see so many fans with my shirt on at our last game. It makes me really proud.


  • Williams has been a mainstay with the organization and one of Torre's favorites, spending all 16 of his Major League seasons in pinstripes.


  • "It didn't take him long to grow fond of his new outfit, " he said with a smile on his face.


  • My five-year-old grandson refused to put his Torres shirt on over the weekend because even he was disgusted with him.
