No matter how far you and I separated, our feelings will not be like a broken line, there will always be linked together.
无论你和我分隔多远,我们的感情就像一根不会断的线,永远都会连在一起。Gets or sets the character to be used for the separator between the schema identifier and any other identifiers.
获取或设置要用作架构标识符和任何其他标识符之间的分隔符的字符。But we must listen to what Mr Obama says about this division and the dramatic way it has, over three centuries, structured American society.
但我们必须听听奥巴马是如何看待这一分隔,以及它在三个多世纪里是如何戏剧性地构造了美国社会。If you are creating a non- XML format file for a delimited text file , you can specify 0 for the host file data length of every data field .
如果您正在为带分隔符的文本文件创建非XML格式化文件,则可以将每个数据字段的宿主文件数据长度指定为0。Identifiers that do not comply with all the rules for identifiers must be delimited in a Transact-SQL statement.
在Transact-SQL语句中,必须对不符合所有标识符规则的标识符进行分隔。It's easy to set up Perfmon to log to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with time stamps so you can correlate with other logs.
设置Perfmon记录带时间戳的记录逗号分隔值(comma-separatedvalue(CSV))文件很容易,您可以用它关联到其他日志。The two essays describe two disturbing trends that, while logically separable, seem to be related.
这两篇文章阐述了两个令人不安的趋势,它们虽然在逻辑上可相互分隔,但看上去却彼此相关。I had no need to be rejected by my friends or my family, or to feel separate from others.
我不想被我的朋友、我的家人拒绝、或者感觉和其他人有分隔。Finally, having clarified your vision, you're able to break it down into a step-by-step plan to make it happen.