Wukong said a spell to call the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea.
At midnight he would call the Dragon king of the Eastern Sea to make rain.
May I ask You for caligraphy of Dragon King mantra?
我能否请求您书写龙王咒 呢 ?
Dragon king according to the legend is in charge the sea.
Dragon King to save people, look around for the flowering of beans.
人们为了拯救龙王, 到处寻找开花的金豆.
The Dragon King feared Wu - k'ung's powers.
There are three main building , first, Manjusri Hall Dian Second, Third, the ancient stage.
主建筑有三, 一是文殊殿,二是五龙王殿, 三是古戏台.
The image file he sent and is attached, shows only the seal of the Dragon King.
这个由他寄来的附呈图档, 仅显现〝龙王之印″.
This holy image of the Dragon King came down to me from Guru Chen.
Mr Wang asked the Black Dragon whether the divinity approved his appointment as temple chief.
May the grace of Dragon King spread far and wide to benefit more beings!
However, the Dragon King that we make offerings toto Guru Chen as a human emperor.
然而, 我们所供奉的龙王是以帝王人像示现于陈上师的.
Quroq: The Shaman's dream spoke true, I, Quroq will claim skull of Dragon King.
魁洛克: 萨满法师的梦想灵验了, 我, 魁洛克将去摘取龙王的头骨.
Grandmother told me this place was a marsh in which lived the Dragon King.
The hills around the ups and downs, the Dragon King Cave mountain spring water waves.
四周山峦起伏, 山头龙王石洞泉水荡漾.