
汉语拼音:lóng wáng



  1. 传说中统领水族之神。

    《华严经·世主妙严品》:“復有无量诸大龙王,所谓 毗楼博叉龙王 , 娑竭罗龙王 , 云音妙幢龙王 ……如是等而为上首,其数无量,莫不勤力,兴云布雨,令诸众生,热恼消烕。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷十:“自释氏书入中土,有龙王之説而 河伯 无闻矣。”《红楼梦》第四回:“ 东海 缺少白玉牀,龙王来请 金陵 王 。” 魏钢焰 《宝地--宝人--宝事》:“旱塬栽秧,气死龙王!”


    • Wukong said a spell to call the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea.


    • At midnight he would call the Dragon king of the Eastern Sea to make rain.


    • May I ask You for caligraphy of Dragon King mantra?

      我能否请求您书写龙王咒 呢 ?

    • Dragon king according to the legend is in charge the sea.


    • Dragon King to save people, look around for the flowering of beans.

      人们为了拯救龙王, 到处寻找开花的金豆.

    • The Dragon King feared Wu - k'ung's powers.


    • There are three main building , first, Manjusri Hall Dian Second, Third, the ancient stage.

      主建筑有三, 一是文殊殿,二是五龙王殿, 三是古戏台.

    • The image file he sent and is attached, shows only the seal of the Dragon King.

      这个由他寄来的附呈图档, 仅显现〝龙王之印″.

    • This holy image of the Dragon King came down to me from Guru Chen.


    • Mr Wang asked the Black Dragon whether the divinity approved his appointment as temple chief.


    • May the grace of Dragon King spread far and wide to benefit more beings!


    • However, the Dragon King that we make offerings toto Guru Chen as a human emperor.

      然而, 我们所供奉的龙王是以帝王人像示现于陈上师的.

    • Quroq: The Shaman's dream spoke true, I, Quroq will claim skull of Dragon King.

      魁洛克: 萨满法师的梦想灵验了, 我, 魁洛克将去摘取龙王的头骨.

    • Grandmother told me this place was a marsh in which lived the Dragon King.


    • The hills around the ups and downs, the Dragon King Cave mountain spring water waves.

      四周山峦起伏, 山头龙王石洞泉水荡漾.