You make Hirm grow; you realize how much power Hes has, and then you make use of It for the benefit of yourself and humankind.
你们也会了悟到祂的力量有多么大,然后善加运用,利益自己和人类。Therefore, may you all determine to really practice so you really know and when you know you will be sure about the teachings of the Buddha.
因此,希望诸位下决心去真参实修,这样才能如实真知,而当你了悟之后你对佛陀的教导就会确信无疑。Grace is the medium for this realization, personal effort can only bring us to the door.
恩典是这了悟的媒介,而个人的努力只能带我们到这扇门前。Through the part the whole cannot be realized, but we do not see this.
整体不可能通过部分被了悟,但是我们看不到这一点。At this extreme point of acute awareness everything came together, and my life seemed a solid block to be accepted or rejected.
在这朗照无遗的了悟面前万事万物汇集为一,我的生活成了一个不可分的整体,或则全盘接受,或则一概摒弃。Instead of giving a general rule, we are going to remind you that no one knows better than you do where you need to be.
我们不会给出你们通用的标准和法则,我们只是提醒你,让你觉知,没有人比你自己更清楚的了悟,你应该怎么做,去哪里。And far from celebrating those who attain higher levels of realization, great women practitioners have often been overlooked and forgotten.
伟大的女性修行者经常遭忽略且遗忘,并未因成就较高了悟而受到庆贺。Finally you Realize that attention is object to you as well, where you're merely in the Witness-Position.
最后你了悟到注意力对你也是客体,而你只是在观照立场。the key to this, he realized, is to bring the mind home to its true nature, through the practice of meditation.