
汉语拼音:shuō bù guò



  1. 不合情理;无法交代。

    元 无名氏 《小尉迟》第四折:“你説番将是你孩儿,只怕説不过么。”《水浒传》第十七回:“若还 杨提辖 在这里,我们都説不过。”亦作“ 説不过去 ”。《儿女英雄传》第二五回:“姑娘欲待不理,想了又想,这是在自己家祠堂里,礼上真説不过去。” 张天翼 《清明时节》:“ 龚县长 发了脾气,青天白日出了这个乱子,在治安上太说不过去。”


  • 'I don't know where Dinn may be, ' said the Mock Turtle, 'but if you've seen them so often, of course you know what they're like. '


  • She looked at it critically for a moment. 'It's all right' she said, 'but, isn't it upside down? '


  • "It's like the caviar of potatoes, " he said. "It's going to be much more expensive, because you can't touch the field for two years. "


  • People have drunk alcohol since the beginning of recorded history, the authors say, but it has become more damaging.


  • "Actually, I'm in economy, " said Uttama-sloka, "but let me see what I can do. I know you'd prefer that I sit with you. "


  • "That must not be, either! " said the Princess. "But do you all stand before me that no one may see us. "


  • exaggerate, Hassan, "I said, loving him for it. "


  • "Say what you will, " Seth said, "but Patty really loved Walter's mom. She's got to be hurting. "


  • She sees them as spirals of light behind people; their human form, she says, is just a disguise to make them less frightening.
