The U. S. State Department has no comment but officials privately confess to a certain "schadenfreude" at Chinese difficulties.
美国国务院没有发表评论,但官员们私下里坦诚,他们对中国的困境感到有些“幸灾乐祸”。In private they were less tactful. Taft dismissed him as "a peace crank" ; Roosevelt viewed him with "contemptuous abhorrence" .
私下里,他们就不那么客气,塔夫不屑地称他为“和平怪人”;罗斯福视他为“狂妄自大的讨厌鬼”。And without a parable He did not speak to them; but privately to His own disciples He explained all things.
若不用比喻,就不对他们讲;私下里才把一切讲解给自己的门徒听。But some US policymakers privately complain that European backing is patchy and tends to go up and down with the euro.
但一些美国的政策制定者私下里抱怨,来自欧洲的支持显得零零碎碎,往往随着欧元的起落而变化。In private they have often complained that they do not feel they own their country, as if it is someone else's private estate.
而在私下里,他们则时常抱怨并不感到自己是国家的主人,国家仿佛成了其他某些人士的私人庄园。Not quite the bold front-door takeover that Bain had envisioned for the NHL, but the backdoor seems to be working just fine for the NBA.
尽管贝恩资本公司当初打算将NHL一锅端的大胆做法没有奏效,但现在这种私下里逐个击破的做法似乎对NBA很管用。Kraft went public Monday with a cash-and-stock bid for Cadbury, which had already rebuffed the advance in private.
卡夫食品周一公布了以现金加股票方式收购吉百利的方案,而吉百利私下里已经拒绝了这个建议。That Mr Clegg himself is thought privately to support some of these market reforms in the public sector only adds to the sense of chaos.
有人认为克莱格先生自己私下里支持一些在政府部门进行的市场改革,而这样表里不一只会增加混乱的程度。Cecil can be very rude in private, though in public he is usually polite.