Almost everyone else in her family was gone; she ended up with other bedraggled survivors in the beached hull of a wrecked steamer.
她家里的所有人几乎都遇难了;最后她和其他满身污泥的幸存者们上了海滩边一艘残损的汽船。archipelago, this was an obligatory port of call from the 15th century until the advent of the steamship in the 19th century.
英雄港位于亚速尔群岛众多岛屿中之一,从公元15世纪开始,一直到公元19世纪汽船问世,来往船只都会在这里停靠。The design of a steamer would be inappropriate for an aircraft carrier.
汽船的设计不会适合于航空母舰。Instead, shortly before noon, the steamship company dispatched two launches to the ship to take the passengers ashore.
磨到近中午,船公司派两条汽船来,摆渡客人上岸。Mickey Mouse debuted in the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie and went on to become the familiar symbol of Walt Disney studios.
米老鼠版于1928年动画短片汽船威利,后来成为了熟悉的符号沃尔特·迪斯尼工作室。That would destroy a quarter of a million dollars' worth of steamboat and cargo, and maybe a hundred and fifty human lives into the bargain.
毁了价值二十五万元的汽船和货物,可能还加上一百五十条人命。The steamboat could sail upriver, against the flow, markedly reducing the amount of time of shipping goods to market.
汽船可以逆流而上,货物运往市场所需的时间因而显著减少。"Steamboat Willie" was the first movie to star Mickey Mouse. Later came other famous Disney characters, including Donald Duck.
“汽船威利”是著名的米老鼠的第一个电影,接下来包括唐老鸭在内的其它迪斯尼角色也变得很出名。He was the first animator to add sound to his movie cartoons with the premiere of Steamboat Willie in 1928.