He was a middle school student at the age of 14.
The difficulties women encounter with their doctors partly explain why so many of us are looking to alternative therapies.
For some stars both culminations take place above the horizon.
I'm a Chinese by birth.
Delve a little deeper if you really want to know the score.
Researchers have spent years documenting the effect and trying to understand it.
Therein flavor, blame travel go - between all cannot be narrated.
个中滋味, 非行中人不能尽述.
It is a very complex case which is hard to figure out.
But in this middle place, most essential character non - ridge Biya Dejected is.
而在这个中场里, 最关键的人物 非 坎比亚索莫属.
Note: since version 1.0.10, images also work with 2 brackets, for example.
注意: 1.0.10版本之后, 图像还可以使用两个中括号标记, 例如这样.
Could you swim when you are a middle - school student?
当你是个中学生时,你会游泳了 吗 ?
Then, what's the problem of hiring a private coach?
那么聘请私人教练, 个中滋味 如何 ?
I know not why, And yet, I'll love her till I die.
将我的心俘虏.我不明白个中缘由, 但我会爱她到永远.
Including all grades, the number is more than 6 out of 10.
包括所有的年级, 这个数字超过10个中的6个.
The 1999 - 2000 school year had 23 956 subsidised Secondary 6 places.
一九九九至 二零零零 学年,共有23956个中六资助学位.